Note- [E-5] means 5 generations back on my side of the family........[R-3] means 3 generations back on Rod's side
-* in the label means there are pictures in the listing
-click on any picture to expand it



Rod's Ancestor
Last fall while organizing a bookcase, I came across an old tintype inserted in Rod's high school yearbook. He had no idea who was staring back at us, nor recollection of its history. And this brought to mind the stacks of "venerable ancestor" photos in the cupboard. The progression kept rolling. It would be nice to share our old photos with family. Wouldn't the grand-kids love to see the old faces - know the history? Sure there are many genealogy sites which provide data and slots for photos. But, as my daughter said, they are not nearly user-friendly enough for an open source database programmer like myself to bother loading. So I have devised a simple way to look at the ancestors, as well as retrieve them from the Google database. Each title is the various names of the person being profiled and a relationship key to either my husband Rod or myself. Living persons are included as children. As we proceed, to find someone, merely use the Google Search, or browse the list of labels.

Included and notated will be all my and Rod's forefathers, including non-blood relations as far back as we have access. Just having finished entering 12 generations, I am filled with wonder for all these pioneers, no matter what year they entered the US. About the coding: [R-1]* would be one of Rod's parents. The * means there are pictures, which we have 5 generations back. If there are links to our relations on other sites, some of the links and data will be included. If you are a relative of someone who is posted, consider adding your stories in the comments. I will publish them for all of us cousins to share. If you have photos to add, email me about loading them.

My data source is primarily an old 1994 printout from my mother. And of course, the old photos. Rod's father and grandmother Zander previously did quite a bit of genealogical work on his side. Most of those bits have been added, however, I am waiting to hear from aunts about his mom's side.

Check back from time to time. For the most part I have used my Canon to digitize the old photos. However, I have a large number of negatives from years ago that I made in medium format. Eventually I will get them scanned and the resolution should be dramatically better. And as time goes on, I plan to add the stories we know of the various relations. See y'all - dear cousins by the dozens!
More Unknown Relations
Waggener/ Cheatham

Eva Cheatham?




Possible Terrell







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